
Showing posts from November, 2019

last day before break

Today in class we got our tests on world religion back. We had fifteen minutes in the beginning of class to do whatever we wanted while Naseem took the test. While we had this time, I looked at decorations for my brothers surprise party. After Naseem finished the test and got his graded, we got our tests. I got a 76% on the test. This is not as good as I thought that I would do but I still have a 90% overall. As long as I keep doing my blogs and make sure that I do well on the next few things that we do in class, my grade should go up some. I wrote the answers to the questions on the test on the left side of the paper so that I can study with the test for exams. I will ask myself the question and cover the answer on the left side and then reveal the answers so that I can quiz myself and be ready for every part of the exam.

world religions quiz

Today in class we had a quiz on world religions. I think that I failed. I don't think that I had enough time to learn the religions because we learned the majority of the religions yesterday. I studied for an hour last night but I think that I still did bad. I have a 93% in Human Geo right now so hopefully it won't bring down my grade too much. I am hoping to get a better grade in quarter 2 than I got in all of my classes for quarter 1. This isn't going too well. I think that it is because there are a lot more due dates and test grades as well as homework that we are getting because we are comfortable with school now.

world religions pt. 2

Today in class we finished our unit on world religions. We have a test on the top 5 world religions tomorrow. I don't know if I will do very well. Today we learned about Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Hinduism has about 1.1 billion adherents. It is the third largest religion in the world. People who follow Hinduism are called Hindus. Hinduism is mainly located in India and Nepal. Their holy book is the Vedas which is the eternal truths of their religion revealed to ancient sages. It is composed in verse form and is meant to be sung and easily memorized. There is no distinct founder of Hinduism. It is a series of intellectual or philosophical points of view rather than a rigid, strict set of beliefs. Hinduism is probably the oldest religion, although it is less of a religion and more of a way of life or faith. Hindus believe in reincarnation. Buddhism has about 5 million to 1.5 billion adherents. People who follow this religion are called Buddhists. It is prominent in Southeas...

world religions

Today we were informed that we would have a test on world religions on Friday. I think that this test date is too close and no one will be prepared because we started learning about world religions today and we only got through two of the five religions that we need to know about. We learned about Christianity and Islam. Christianity is the most popular religion in the world. There are about 2.2 billion people that practice Christianity. The people who practice Christianity are called Christians. Most Christians are based in Europe, the Americas, and Southern Africa. Some of the different denominations of Christianity are Catholic, Eastern Orthodox Church, Protestant, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, and Presbyterian. The founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ even though he was Jewish. He taught from example and people began to follow him. Christians believe that Jesus is both human and divine and is the son of God. He led a virtuous life, was crucified, died, buried and...

test day!

Today we had a test. I think that I did pretty well on it. I knew most of the answers to the questions but there were about 5-7 that I had to guess on. I think that not knowing the answer to 5-7 questions is good because the test was 32 questions long. I hope that I do well on this test because I want to bring my grade up from the grade that I have because of my presentation on Germany. I now have a 93.42% in Human Geo. I think that I will get about a 95% on this test. That might bring my grade down a little but hopefully not too much. Something that I found difficult on the test was some of the wording of the questions. I didn't understand some of the words used and how to answer the question because I didn't understand what the question was asking. I also thought that the population pyramid section was hard. I had no idea which of the countries listed was the one on the population pyramid. I don't think that I got the United States population pyramid correct because aft...

review day #2

Today in class we reviewed the population pyramids for the test on Monday. We reviewed that on the population pyramids, females are on the right and males are on the left. We also have to know the different stages of females on the population pyramid. The three levels are pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive. In addition to all of that information, we have to know the different stages of a country. The three different stages are pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial. Pre industrial is when the country is based on agricultural jobs and they aren't developed yet. The industrial stage is when the country is built on factories and jobs. The final stage is post-industrial. This is when the country is past the factory and industrial jobs and most of the jobs are based on service, a lot of people are in the medical field. After we reviewed, we watched Jeopardy. This was interesting and got my brain warmed up.

review day #1

Today in class we reviewed for the test on Monday. We started reviewing the first slideshow that we did at the beginning on the lesson. We already had a quiz on everything that we learned on this slide but all of this information will also be on the upcoming test. I did pretty well on the quiz that we had a few weeks ago so I think that this part of the test will be relatively easy. I took notes while we were reviewing. I wrote down everything that Mr. Schick said could possibly be a test question. Some of the things that are that there are 7.6 billion people int the world and that 90% of the population growth takes place in the developing countries. I also noted that I would have to know the year that we hit the billions of people in the world and how many years are in between the years that we hit billions. We also have to know that the highest life expectancy in the world is in Monaco and that women's life expectancy is higher than men's life expectancy. Some vocabulary that...

self evaluation

I think that yesterday I did pretty well while I was presenting. I definitely don't think that it was the best I could have done and that I could have known more about my topic but overall I think that I got a pretty good grade. I would give myself about a 93 or 94%. I would give everyone in my group about the same grade. I also saw who was on the slides during the weekend because I was on a lot during the weekend trying to make my slides better and trying to know more about the topic. I was also very nervous about presenting so I think that I blanked with everything that I practiced at home when I got up in front of the class.

presentation day

Today we presented the projects that we were assigned on Friday. I don't think that my group did the best that we could have possibly done. We went last. I think that my group didn't have enough time to discuss with each other what we were doing on the project on Friday. I hope that we get a good grade on our presentation. I think that the groups that went before us did a really good job at presenting and making sure that they had all of the correct information. I thought that this project was interesting because we got to learn about a country that we had no idea about before.


Today in class we worked on the project on different developing countries. It is due Monday. My group didn't finish so I have to work on my slides for homework this weekend. We were assigned Germany. My part of the project is the imports and exports of Germany. I am researching the amount of money spent on imports and exports, what they are importing and exporting, and who they are trading with and whether this is a good place to be trading with because of the conditions of their country. I think that this project will be pretty easy but I don't like to present projects or talk in front of people so I am going to get nervous on Monday when my group presents.

review for pop quiz

Today in class, we were told that we were going to have a pop quiz later this week. We will be having it on Friday because we don't have class tomorrow. We reviewed for the pop quiz by answering some questions as a class that Mr. Schick prepared for us. These questions were on population and migration. I knew most of the answers but only answered one question. I think that I will do well on this quiz. After we answered all of the questions, we were told that these are the questions that we just answered were the questions that are on the exam that we are taking in December before Christmas break. I think that if we had a pop quiz on the questions that we were asked, I would have gotten a 100%. I also think that I will do very well on the this section of the exam.

summary of yesterday's class

Yesterday in class, we had to do an assignment for the CIA World Factbook. We had to find five facts about population and migration that are relevant to what we were doing in class and write a short paragraph on why we chose those facts. The facts that I chose were: 1. The world population is 7, 503,828,180. 2.  The  population  growth rate for the  world is 1.05%. 3. There are -0.6 migrants/1,000 of the population in Afghanistan. 4. The population growth rate in Puerto Rico is -1.7%. 5. The net migration rate in Australia is 5.4 migrants/1,000 of the population. I thought that these facts were important because in class we were talking about net migration rate, population increase and decrease, and push and pull forces. I summarized the specific reason for each fact after I wrote the fact in my last blog. We also had to choose 5 population pyramids to look at and predict if the population would grow or fall in the future. The countries I chose are China, F...

world factbook assignment

1. The world population is 7,503,828,180.  I chose this fact because it is important to know how fast the world population is growing. The growth of the world is important because of  distribution  of food, water and supplies.  This  relates to our work in class because we were talking about the years that the world gained a billion people and how long it took to get to the billions.  2. The  population  growth rate for the  world is 1.05%. This is important because the world is growing at a relatively slow rate. Even though it is still growing, the years between the billions on Earth will probably stay the same, around 12, because the rate is so low. This relates to class because we are talking about population growth in the different countries. 3. There are -0.6 migrants/1,000 of the population in Afghanastian. Because of the danger in Afghanistan, more people are trying to leave the country. This results in -0.6 migrants/1,0...