world factbook assignment

1. The world population is 7,503,828,180. 

I chose this fact because it is important to know how fast the world population is growing. The growth of the world is important because of distribution of food, water and supplies. This relates to our work in class because we were talking about the years that the world gained a billion people and how long it took to get to the billions. 

2. The population growth rate for the world is 1.05%.

This is important because the world is growing at a relatively slow rate. Even though it is still growing, the years between the billions on Earth will probably stay the same, around 12, because the rate is so low. This relates to class because we are talking about population growth in the different countries.

3. There are -0.6 migrants/1,000 of the population in Afghanastian.

Because of the danger in Afghanistan, more people are trying to leave the country. This results in -0.6 migrants/1,000 of the population.

4. The net migration rate in Australia is 5.4 migrants/1,000 of the population.

Because Australia is such a safe and beautiful place to be, people are trying to live there and are trying to come into Australia. This results in a positive number for their migrants. If people were trying to leave the country, it would be a negative number like in Afghanistan. This relates to class because we are talking about push and pull forces for each country.

5. The population growth rate in Puerto Rico is -1.7%.

This means that their population is not growing. This is relating to class because we were talking about how vacationing spots or spots that have a lot of work do not have as much of a population growth rate.

Population Pyramids:

1. In China, the population is mostly middle aged. I think that in the future, the population will grow, but it will grow very slowly because people aren't having very many children. When I checked the Population Pyramid website, it said that the population will be declining.

2. In Fiji, the majority of people are children and in the early stages of their life. Using this example, I think that Fiji's population will be growing rapidly in the future. When I checked the population pyramid website, it said that it will keep growing but then eventually drop around 2045.

3. The population pyramid in Bolivia shows that the greater portion of the population are children and teenagers. I think that in the future, the population will grow rapidly because of the amount of babies being born right now. When I checked the population pyramid website, it said that the population will be growing rapidly in the future.

4. On Christmas Island, the majority of people are men from the ages 25 to 30. I think that he population will decrease in the future. The population pyramid website said that population will be rising. I checked this under Oceania, Australia because they did not have Christmas Island on the website.

5. In the United States, the number of people that are at each stage in life are about the same. I think that population will grow slowly in the future. The population pyramid website says that the population will grow slowly in the future.


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