summary of yesterday's class

Yesterday in class, we had to do an assignment for the CIA World Factbook. We had to find five facts about population and migration that are relevant to what we were doing in class and write a short paragraph on why we chose those facts. The facts that I chose were:

1. The world population is 7, 503,828,180.
2. The population growth rate for the world is 1.05%.
3. There are -0.6 migrants/1,000 of the population in Afghanistan.
4. The population growth rate in Puerto Rico is -1.7%.
5. The net migration rate in Australia is 5.4 migrants/1,000 of the population.

I thought that these facts were important because in class we were talking about net migration rate, population increase and decrease, and push and pull forces. I summarized the specific reason for each fact after I wrote the fact in my last blog.

We also had to choose 5 population pyramids to look at and predict if the population would grow or fall in the future. The countries I chose are China, Fiji, Bolivia, Christmas Island and the United States. I chose these countries because I am not familiar with them, except for the United States. I also did not even know that Christmas Island was a place. This made the research more interesting because I got to learn about places that I didn't even know existed.

This exercise helped me get more familiar with the CIA World Factbook and learn about places in the world that I have never even been to before and what their economy, population and migration is compared to other countries.


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