test tomorrow

Today in class we reviewed for our test tomorrow. This test is on everything that we have learned about population and settlement. We have been working on this for a while so I think that the test might be a lot but I don't think that it will be that hard.

Some things that will be on a test will be population of the world right now, where the population is growing throughout the world, the vocabulary that we have been learning, the years that we hit billions and the years elapsed between, life expectancy, math to find the rate of natural increase, two push and two pull forces with examples of countries and the reasons for the push and pull force.

I have made a quizlet for this test so that it will be able to study. I already put the years that we hit billion, vocabulary, and push and pull forces. This means that I need to add examples of countries with push and pull forces, the population of the world right now, where the population is growing, the years elapsed between the years we hit billions, life expectancy and how to find the rate of natural increase.

On the test there will also be section with the CIA Fact book. I will be able to study for this section by using the questions from a previous blog and try to answer the questions fast. We only have 20 minutes to complete this section and it took me about an hour to finish the questions the last time that I did them so I know that I need to finish these faster during the test.


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