Test Scores

Today in class, we got our tests back. I got a 90 percent, better than what I thought I would get. Most of the questions that I got wrong on the test I knew that I got wrong before I got the test back. I really liked the topics for the essay questions and thought that I could write a lot about them. The average test grade in our class was a 86.4 percent. We had an essay question on the test about Socrates' trial and if we would vote him guilty or not guilty. In our class of 21, 16 people said not guilty and 5 said guilty. I thought that it was interesting to see everyone's different opinions on his position in trial. One of my friends, Cici, got a 102 percent.

During the test, I remembered most of the information but some of the information I couldn't remember at all. This told me that I need to read over my notes more before the test. I now know how to study for Mr. Schick's tests so that I retain the information and show up prepared on the test day.


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