Test Day Blog

Today in class we had a test. I think that I did pretty well on it. Some of the questions I didn't know the answer to but I just took my best guess and moved on. I am hoping that I got at least a B. I know that one of the questions that I was confused on was what Socrates was charged for. I knew that he was charged for "corruption of the youth" but I couldn't remember what the word for "not recognizing the gods that the state recognized" was. Other than that I thought that the test was pretty easy. I think that I did really well on the essay that we had to write about Socrates' trial and death. The other essay, where we had to write about whether we would vote Socrates as guilty or not guilty, could have been written better. I hope that I did well on my first test for Human Geography. I think that I could have done better on this test but now I know that I need to study more for the tests so that I know the information perfectly when I have to take it.


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