
Toady in class we learned about sites on maps. Site is the character of a place. Some examples are climate, water, vegetation, latitude and elevation. Some people choose to live at high or low elevations because of certain aspects of life that come with that elevation. Some people have chosen to live near water so that they can easily have communication with other people in different parts of the world.

We also talked about how humans have the ability to change the characteristics of a site. People all over the world can change the way their state is. In New Orleans there are people that live 50 feet below sea level. This can be very dangerous, especially when they have hurricanes. The people just rebuild their houses and land until the next hurricane comes and then repeat the process every time they have a flood. Another example of people changing the sites is Manhattan, New York. There are a lot of big, manmade buildings. These buildings allow thousands of people to live there, making the city very crowded. These places have changed the site of the area to make it more livable for the people in the cities.


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