Maps 9/16

Today in class we learned about maps. We studied maps and wrote down everything that we could find about their details. I learned that some things on a map that we might not notice when we first look can be very useful and necessary when we are reading maps such as airports, different roads to take, or compasses. When reading a map it is necessary to know where North is. Without a compass this would be very difficult to accomplish. We studied different maps that were of different places in the world. We looked at world maps and maps of the United States. I don't really like maps. I don't understand how to read them. I also don't understand why we have paper maps when we can just use a GPS or our phone and look at google maps. I don't usually need to read maps except for when I am in school learning about them. I hope that I enjoy this section of Human Geography and learn a lot about the importance of maps and how to read them.


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