First Day at JC!

Today was my first day at John Carroll! I was very nervous at first but it ended up being a great day! My favorite part of the day was meeting new people in all of my classes. I have never had classes where you have a new group of people in every class so this was very different. I enjoyed this because I didn't know a lot of people in my grade and now I met some of them. My least favorite part of the day was lunch. I had trouble opening my locker which resulted in me being late to lunch. When I got to the cafeteria, there was a very long line to get food. By the time I got my food, I didn't have much time to eat. Other than that I had a great day at John Carroll!

I like the seat I was given in Human Geography because I am in the center of the classroom so I don't have to worry about not being able to see the board. I think that I have a great seat in the class! I am very excited for the new school year!


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